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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let Your Day Begin Anew...

Nutritionists have long said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Breakfast gets your body ready for the day and gives it energy.
Perhaps more important than even breakfast, are the first few thoughts of the day --those thoughts we think when we are first coming out of sleep.  Our first thoughts really frame the mind and feeling tone from which we will spend our day.
Wherever you are right now, let your day begin anew.  Feed your mind and open your heart to thoughts of wonderful gratitude and deep appreciation for the life you are living, for the opportunity to be in this life and for the people you love. 
Send a thought of gratitude as a light shining on your path and then bring into mind whatever it is you would like to be, do or give and simply say, "Thank You."
Let Your Day Begin Anew...

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