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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Prayer for today-To Your Growth

The school of life is no different than grade school, middle school, high school, or graduate school.  You are continously being introduced to a new curriculum of understanding.
In the study of the Law of Truth, we learn to apply the Laws of Life so that they will dissolve our adverse thoughts and conditions.
First graders often think their curriculum is difficult.  Eighth-graders think their classes are hard, and likewise, seniors in high-school think their classes are.  But the high school student doesn’t think the eighth-grade curriculum is challenging and the eighth-grader doesn’t think the first grade curriculum is challenging.
The perfection of the Universe is that it has a magnificent way of keeping us on our green growing edges of our own life.  If you’re finding your “curriculum” particularly challenging, know that you are in the perfect place:  The green growing edges of your own becoming.
Who you are becoming is someone this Universe is so very proud of.  Hard curriculum is a compliment to your soul. You are more than you've known.
To Your Growth,

Desk Jockeys -- 3 Ways to Fix Your Aching Upper Back and Neck

A Real Pain in the Neck

The combination of a sports injury and poor posture gave me chronic neck and upper back pain over ten years ago. Fortunately, over time and through study and visits to numerous experts, I've been able to eliminate the pain. If you suffer from any neck or back pain from sitting too much in front of your computer, you'll find relief in Kathryn Woodall's advice today.

Craig Ballantyne

Everything ends at some point. Persevere through the hard times and enjoy the good times - a little more than you might be doing right now.

By Dr. Kathryn Woodall, DC

You probably spend far too much time at your desk. If you're building an empire while balancing a day job, I bet you're glued to a laptop every evening as well. Sure, it's the price we pay as entrepreneurs. But it takes a creeping toll on your body. And if you're not careful, you'll end up chair-shaped.

That's not a joke. You really do become chair-shaped over time. Your shoulders round, your neck juts forward and your pelvis is tilted as though you were still sitting down. Do nothing about it and those changes will become permanent...and painful.

Several years ago, I went from a job that had me standing most of the day to one where I sat in front of a computer. The amount of tension that piled up in my neck and back was incredible! I suddenly understood why so many people keep over-the-counter pain relievers tucked in a drawer of their desk.

The funny thing is that I used to treat people for the exact same thing. I'd been giving my patients specific exercises to deal with their issues for years. But it was only when I experienced it myself that I finally realized most desk jockey issues can be prevented before they start showing up as pain.

For desk jockeys, the preventative measures are the same things needed to reverse existing problems.

I'll show you how to start reclaiming your shape in a second. But first, let's talk about the symptoms.

What Does "Chair-Shaped" Feel Like?

Typical desk jockey neck and shoulder issues range from tightness and tension to nerve compression and early degeneration. Here's a short list of symptoms:
  • tingly arms and hands that may, or may not, "go to sleep"
  • neck pain
  • headaches
  • wrist pain
  • shoulder problems
  • elbow problems
  • upper back tension
  • weakened joint structure that can lead to early disc problems
  • a feeling like there's a line of fire running down your arms

Nothing fun on that list. And it goes without saying that we want fun things. After all, what's the point of working so hard if you aren't making life better for yourself and the people you're helping?

So what can you do about it?

Exercises for Your Upper Back and Neck

Let's cover three things you can do right now.

1) Shoulder Release

It's easier to do this move if you're standing, but you might be able to do it at your desk depending on the shape of your chair.
  • Stand tall, reach both hands behind you and clasp them together at the base of your low back. Then gently push your hands toward the floor. Your shoulders will automatically "square" and your chest will expand as you do so.
  • Take five slow, deep breaths and push your hands a bit further down with each inhale. Even if you can't go far, try to push your hands toward the floor anyway. It'll deepen the stretch.
  • After five breaths, relax and release your hands.
  • Repeat this sequence at least twice a day. Keeners can do it as often as once an hour.

2) Neck Releases and Mobility
  • While sitting tall, rotate your head as far to the right and then as far to the left as you comfortably can. Hold each for 20-60 seconds while breathing normally.
  • Tilt your head to the right as you pretend to lift your left ear to the ceiling, and then repeat to the left as you lift your right ear to the ceiling. Hold each for 20-60 seconds while breathing normally.
  • Since you're probably sitting in an office chair, run the base of your head from one side to the other as though you were sliding along the top of your chair. Keep your body still and move only your head and neck. No tilting your head!

3) Sit Tall

Posture is extremely important for desk jockeys. The average head weighs 8 to 12 lbs (3.6 to 5.4 kg), and most desk jockeys sit with theirs jutted forward like a turtle. Holding this position is extremely hard on your neck and upper back muscles. The end result is the symptoms we discussed above.

But despite striving for great posture, none of us will achieve perfect compliance.

So what's the solution? Set a reminder that goes off hourly. Each time the reminder pops, still tall again. Here's a quick snapshot of good seated posture:
  • Feet flat on the floor.
  • Knees bent at a 90 degree angle, or slightly more.
  • The majority of your weight rests on your "sits bones."
  • An imaginary line drawn up the side of your body runs perpendicular to the floor, through your hip, shoulder, and the hole in your ear. Take a picture to see how close you are to this ideal.
  • Sit tall in your chair with your shoulders back. Your head sits directly between your shoulders rather than sliding forward to sit over your lap. Mutant ninja turtles are cool, but desk jockey turtles are just geeks with bad posture.
  • Elbows rest close to your sides, bent at or slightly greater than 90 degrees.
  • Hands rest comfortably on your keyboard, similar to the angle they'd be in if you were resting them on your legs.
  • Wrists are held neutral or bent back 15 to 20 degrees. The same advice holds true when using a mouse. Avoid reaching far to the front or off to the side for a mouse--it puts needless stress on your shoulder and neck.
  • The top of your computer monitor is level with your eyebrows, and the screen sits directly in front of you.
  • Set your chair at a height that allows all of the above to line up.

Simple steps like good posture build long-term habits. And, as an entrepreneur, you know how powerful that can be.

The Payoff

Your inner entrepreneur will love that it only takes a few rounds each day for results. In many cases, you'll experience instant relief.

But do be aware that it can take time to correct your posture. The desk jockey issues you're experiencing are the result of chronic and repetitive habits, some of which you've been reinforcing for years.

If change isn't immediate, keep at it. Remember that even a few minutes a day makes a difference toward achieving greater productivity, greater rewards, and much more enjoyment in your work and your life

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Know What You Want

To plan a journey, first you must know where you are going. Likewise, when planning your financial future, it requires you to know what you want to achieve in your long-term vision. Only then can you chart the path. Today, one of our favorite financial writers, Susan Fujii, helps you create your financial vision for success and independence.

Craig Ballantyne

You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the "I'll give this a try" mindset, and switch to a "I'm going to succeed" belief.

Creating Your Vision of Financial Independence
By Susan Fujii, Kung-Fu Girl

I don't have a crystal ball, unfortunately, but having a vision statement is the next best thing. It's amazing what a little writing, intention, and focus in your life will do for you.

When I first started writing my vision, back in 2000, my life looked nothing like it looks now.

I was working 80 hours a week at a six-figure job with nothing to show for it and had zero investing skills (actually negative investing skills--I knew just enough to be "dangerous" and I was!).

I was earning a lot of money, but I was also spending it all.

I was also (ahem) not exactly the most "self-reflective" person on the planet at that time. Kung Fu Girl at age 26, single, living in booming San Francisco and working for a dot-com in the height of the dot-com-party-mania, was chiefly concerned with two main things:

1. Doing an excellent job at work (luckily I've always had a great work ethic), and
2. Where the next party was.

That was it. Times were booming, money was flowing everywhere, I had a great, exciting, challenging, rewarding job, and the party never seemed to stop. I certainly wasn't sitting around much crafting vision statements.

However, you may recall what happened near the end of 2000...from September of 2000 to January of 2001 the NASDAQ dropped 45.9%. I believe at the time probably 90% of my "wealth" (what there was of it) was in the NASDAQ--I had joined Intel right out of college and had a bunch of shares, and fancied myself an "investor" because everything had gone straight up from 1996 - 1999, I also opened up an E*Trade account near the peak in 1999 and bought even more tech shares, only to have them plummet from 2000-2001.
NASDAQ 1996-2001

Chart Courtesy of Google Finance

Brilliant, right?

But aside from giving you your daily dose of laughter, I tell you this for two reasons:

Rather than the dot-com bust being a "horrible" event, it was just the wake-up call I needed, and I crafted my very first "vision statement" that year, and my life and circumstances have continued to improve dramatically every year since.

I wish I still had that original vision statement...I know it was a far cry from my current vision as I had yet to become married or have children or own a home. I could barely keep all of my financial accounts straight, let alone sell put options or use trailing stops or other "pro" techniques (hah! I had never even heard of them at that point!). I also had yet to start my first business (although I did so right afterwards, after writing it down on my vision statement...a successful Internet consulting business that I ran with Kung Fu Guy for many years).

Thankfully, I have matured somewhat since my "Y2K-the-money-will-never-end-and-the-party-will-never-stop" days, and my personal finance and investing knowledge and skills have increased tremendously.

In the past few years, I have made more money via investing wisely (finally) than I ever did at my highest-earning six-figure job, and I've successfully weathered the horrific sub-prime crisis (although it continues to play out and has now morphed into the ongoing global credit crisis, and I have a sinking feeling that no one will escape completely unscathed from that).

My current vision for financial independence is:
  • I (along with my family) live in 3-4 places each year, spending three months during the summer on the lake in Michigan, 3 months at our home in the mountains in Argentina, 3 months on the beach in Hawaii, and 3 months discovering new countries and visiting friends in the Bay Area
  • I own (or co-own with a partner) a successful, thriving web business that creates massive value for its customers and helps thousands of people take control of their personal financial situation and achieve the life of their dreams
  • I "work" at my business from anywhere in the world and travel several times per year to conferences in my industry to network with interesting people who are also motivated and driven to create value in the world
  • I spend my days creating and writing, and my personal network is filled with interesting friends and mentors who support me and are engaged in fascinating endeavors of their own
  • Our family is active and does lots of activities together; depending on the season and our location, we bike, surf, swim, ski, snowboard, and ride horses. We have a passion for music and spend most nights having "dance parties" and making music on our many instruments
  • I continue to grow my investing prowess and own multiple investments that provide me with a nice, sustainable monthly cash flow and are insulated from market "shocks"
  • My assets are internationally diversified so I am not dependent on any one country's system for my money or my income
It inspires me (and hopefully you) to know that I've already achieved much of the above. While I am still working on pieces of my vision, it's amazing what just writing it down and putting the intention out there does for your progress.

It immediately puts your mind into a positive mode, and you start to ask yourself (if you've been honest with yourself and put down things that truly excite you...), "How could I start doing some of this now? I don't want to wait!"

That gets the ball rolling.

Here's what you need to do.

First, get out a pen and some paper and write down what excites you. Don't worry about making it perfect, writing from the future or the present or the past, or about the difference between your vision/mission/goals/plans/strategies/tactics... Just write down what excites you about getting out of bed in a few years.

Second, identify what you want you - and your family - to be able to do without compromise. Refer back to the clarity of my financial vision statement. Use it as a guide to help you create yours.

Third, don't hold back on writing down what you want to achieve. A powerful vision creates a strong push towards taking action that moves you towards your goals. Don't hesitate to put your vision "out there".

And finally, share it with positive people who will support you. 

The Wisdom of the Universe is Where You Are

It was Albert Einstein who said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking that created them."
Thinking in the problem and thinking about the problem are thinking in the same vibration as the problem. Henry Kaiser said that every problem is just an opportunity dressed in work clothes.
So how do we raise our thinking to a place where solutions exist?
When you hear yourself thinking how big the problem is, say to that problem, "There's an energy in this Universe that is way bigger than you."
When you think it can't be handled or don't know what to do, take a pause.  Just say, "What if I did know what to do...What if the answer was already accessible to me because I'm already right at the center of the mind of God?"
For a moment today, find yourself thinking in an expanded way.  Open up and say to yourself, "Right where I am, the wisdom of the Universe is.  Right where I am, answers to every question are accessible because right where I am, God is."

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Awareness Cords

Ever felt that sometimes long after a relationship has finished, particularly an extremely passionate one, you’re still tied or connected to that person’s energy?
I’m not talking about the emotional ties that come with heartbreak or loss, which as we know, only heals with time and a suitable amount of chocolate – depending on your emotional healing weapon of choice!
What I’m referring to are energetic cords – the transfer of astral and etheric energy between two people. Cords can be positive or negative, and can develop between anyone you’ve had a strong connection with – whether it be a lover, friend or your mother.
A positive cord, for example, between you and a close friend, transfers energy and warmth, acting like an imaginary hug even if you’re on opposite sides of the world. Now that’s some serious positive cosmic energy!
However, turn this situation around to an ex-lover, and to one you had a highly charged sexual relationship with, it’s not surprising that sending or receiving energy after the relationship has ended is detrimental to both parties abilities to move on.
Over time, this continual exchange of energy will drain your energy supply. Only once you’ve dissolve or cut the cord, will you be able to make strong new cords with other people, or have more energy to focus on loving yourself!
Arielle Ford, author of the international bestseller, the Soulmate Secret, explains:
“Science has now proven that at the quantum level we are all energy and we are all connected.
“When we are intimate with another human being, we become even more connected through energetic cords that are left on us and in us.”
For those of you who have ever dated a typical “bad boy or girl” this may ring further true. It is often in these dysfunctional relationships where passion runs high and our worlds (and beds) are turned upside down.
Whether it’s genuine chemistry, or an unruly ego singing out for love and praise from this unavailable person, this energy can continue to be transferred through your cord long after you’ve parted ways.
Therefore, when it comes to finding a new partner or getting your groove on with your next partner, the cord you still share with your ex is clogging up your mojo so-to-speak, preventing you from giving your full energy to a new sexual relationship, and the same applies to forming new friendships.

Send Your Ex Packing!

Relax – there’s no need to come clean to your new partner about the subconscious affair you’re having with your ex, however, it is time to send your ex on their way for good! Here’s how:

Releasing The Cord

One way to remove the cord is by releasing it. This is a peaceful way to remove a dysfunctional part of any relationship or to let go of an ex-lover who is still draining your energy.
To release the cord, visualize you’re sitting in a circle made of silk in a garden. Feel the protective energy of the rope around you and the light from the sun making you stronger.
Now imagine there’s another circle opposite yours, with your ex sitting in it. Smile at them and wave goodbye, sending peace and love. The separating circles allow you to reaffirm your space and release the energy from the cord.
Energetic Cord

Cutting The Cord

When the energetic cord is too strong due to the nature of the relationship, peacefully releasing the cord just won’t do – force is required – you need to cut it.
Arielle says “cutting” is one of the fastest and easiest ways to sever cords with a dysfunctional relationship, whether it be with a friend or an ex, and recommends the following steps:
  • Stand up and using your imagination, see the other person standing in front of you, a few feet away.
  • See a cord of energy connecting your belly button to their belly button and using your hand cut the cord with a karate chopping motion three times.
  • Clap your hands three times and go and wash your hands or use sanitizer. 
  • Do this for every cord you want to cut – ensuring you wash your hands before and after each cord.
Freeing yourself from this negative energy is an important process in moving on, although Arielle warns it should be exercised with caution:
“Sometimes the person you have cut the cord with will suddenly call you and want to reconnect on an energetic level, they felt the disconnection and want you back. I suggest you don’t interpret this as meaning they want to come back to you, they’re just trying to suck your energy (in a vampire kind of way), so beware!”

Enlightened mystic, Osho Shivo, advises that in addition to energy cords there is an awareness cord that exists between entities who have related with each other in deep trust.
“This awareness cord serves a great purpose in reuniting these entities, when one of them have taken a quantum leap in consciousness. This is how the master and disciples of past lives meet again in most mysterious fashion and the masters in higher realms direct their disciples to other masters, presently incarnated on earth.
While entities share their subconscious through an energy cord, their super conscious is shared through an awareness cord. As any one of the entity takes a quantum leap in consciousness, it can be transferred to others who are connected by this awareness cord.”
We’ll be looking further into awareness cords next month, however in the meantime we’d love to hear about any experiences you’ve had with releasing or cutting energetic cords, or if you need to?


Try Some Of These Easy Sleeping Tips!

Nap Alternatives: Avoid napping unless they’re 20 minutes or less and early in the day which can be rejuvenating. A better choice later in the day may be to exercise, go for a short walk, or drink a glass of ice water.

“Blue Light” isn’t “Special” in the Bedroom: The short waves of blue light from cell phones, PDA’s, TV, or digital bedside clocks may interfere with sleep. Try turning these devices off an hour before going to bed. If you have electronics in your bedroom, put black tape over any distracting lights that you don’t need regularly.
The Bed isn’t a work station: Ideally, your bed is for two things, sleeping and sex. If you link only these activities to bed your mind will associate it with only rest and relaxation. On the other hand, if you use your bed for office work, watching TV, balancing the checkbook, talking on the phone ect. You will associate this sacred space with obligation and sources of activity and even stress rather than its purpose.
Cool is the Rule: The best sleep temperature for most people is between 68-72 degrees. Because it’s sometimes hard to sleep when you’re too warm a fan may be the answer to finding the perfect temperature as well as providing some soothing “white noise”.
Sleep Consistently: If you develop a sleep routine, that is go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends, your brain will adapt a very healthy habit of when to sleep and when to wake. This helps going to sleep and also helps you stay asleep.

Lighten Up: Light is the most powerful regulator of our biological clock. Neuroscientists know that our brains begin to produce melatonin, (the hormone that brings on sleep) when light is decreased. So, if you can, try to avoid bright light sources before bed. Conversely, if you can expose yourself to brighter light in the morning it will help you wake up quicker and stronger.
Veto the Stimulus Plan: Caffeine it seems is a life sustaining staple these days. The earlier in the day you wean yourself from caffeine, the easier you will fall asleep. My rule is 3:00 p.m. however I’ve seen recommendations of noon. You may be able to go to sleep with small traces of caffeine still in your body however; it’s known to interrupt deep sleep cycles which are the most beneficial. So, even if you put the hours in, they may not be quality hours.
In today’s fast paced world, it’s normal to have a hard time letting go of the estimated 64,000 thoughts we have every day. So, no wonder it can be hard to shift gears and slow down when it’s time to turn in for the night. 64,000 Thoughts?! WOW! BUT… you don’t have to resort to dangerous drugs to sleep.

There are seemingly thousands studies, books, medications and products out there dedicated to remedy the problem of sleeplessness. However, very few cut to the core of what the problem Really Is. 

Counter to late night TV commercials, the problem isn’t that you have a sleeping pill deficiency. The secret to falling asleep quickly and staying asleep, lies within the subconscious mind.

Virtually any time you can’t sleep, it’s because of anxiety in one form or another, assuming you’re not suffering from a physical problem, or just slammed a 5 Hour Energy Drink!

Anxiety or Worry is something that you can easily control with the right mental tools. We’ll show you how.

Everyone has also had nights when there’s no apparent explanation for endless staring at the bedside clock. We can’t identify anything to be worried about, however we just lay there, repeatedly tossing and turning, which eventually prompts conscious concern, worry and questioning of our ability to perform the following day because of our state of restlessness rather than restfulness.

Lack of sleep has a compounding detrimental effect on us. By suffering the consequences of a sleepless night, the following night our subconscious mind begins sounding an alarm: “Oh no, last night was not good! We need to prevent this from happening again!”

This anxiety is born in the subconscious mind. When preparing for bed, our subconscious recognizes the detrimental effects we suffered from the previous sleepless night and can trigger a more primitive part of our brain that reactively goes into the “fight or flight” state. It actually senses “danger” and produces small doses of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. These stimulants further reduce the ability to sleep.

Consciously, you know there’s no real threat, but your subconscious is responding to the FEAR of the result of sleeplessness. Thus, misalignment of the consciousness is born and begins working against you.

Prioritize Sleep!

Consider these easy tips!

Exercise; Helpful / Harmful: Other than good sleep, there is nothing better for our bodies than exercise. It’s been proven that being fit improves the quality of sleep; however, the secret is to allow enough time post exercise to let the body calm down from heightened energy. Try to give yourself a few hours between a vigorous work out and sleeping. Light mind / body exercising such as Yoga will actually help the mind to relax and promotes sleep.
Heavy Foods, Light Sleep: Big meals before bedtime take a considerable amount of energy to digest and often rob our bodies of quality sleep. Additionally, the calories have fewer outlets and are more likely to turn into fat. Light amounts of complex carbs and dairy foods at least an hour before bed can be helpful to a good night’s sleep.
Set the Clock: Somewhere out of sight if you’re a clock watcher because you’re hurting your chances at sleep.  Watching the minutes, then hours pass by creates stress about how much time you have remaining to sleep.  Stress causes stimulating hormones to be released which further reduces your chances of falling asleep.  Try hiding your clock or turn it around and leave it just out of reach.
Self Medication: The drunk passed out in the ally isn’t really a good testimonial as to quality sleep derived from alcohol. While a drink or few, can make you feel sleepy, the overnight effects aren’t as attractive. Alcohol actually causes us to sleep lighter and wake up more frequently and not just to go to the bathroom. A better choice may be a decaffeinated tea or water.

Sleep is a Zero Sum Game: The quicker you can let go of emotional and intellectual baggage from the day and get your mind to Zero, the quicker you’ll fall asleep and the better you will sleep. Let yourself take a break from complicated decisions or any emotionally charged issues before trying to sleep.
Black and White: While a dark room is preferable for good sleep, try some “White Noise” to occupy your mind and cover up uncontrollable noises. A fan works well as does an air-conditioner as long as the A/C fan doesn’t cycle on and off with the thermostat. If that’s not available, pick up an inexpensive pair of ear plugs for your night stand and travel bag.
Nicotine is a No, No: Nicotine is a stimulant, so, treat smoking just like caffeine. Try to have your last cigarette as far away from bed time as possible. Even if you can fall asleep after smoking, the quality of sleep you get will not be the same as if you didn’t have nicotine (or caffeine) in your system.
Kids and Pets: May be fun to cuddle with but that’s what couches are for. When it comes time to sleep, your bed is for you, or you and your partner. Kids and Pets can take their toll on deep sleep by both movement and sounds. I’m a dog lover myself, but considering that pets can bring the allergy agents of fur, dander and pollen to bed with them explains why my dog has her own bed.

Set Your Phone: When traveling you may need to keep your cell phone on for possible emergency calls. Turn all sounds off, other than the ringer to avoid being awakened by an email or text notification in the middle of the night.

Real Life is an Inner Journey

Self-discovery -- and the new self-knowledge it generates -- has no limitations, no moment where there isn't the possibility for something higher to pierce the soul and so reveal that everything that once was is no more because something greater now stands there.
This means that there is no end to what is higher, to what is ever-above you; and that the ground of this immeasurable state of self awaits youwithin you. And as this discovery of discoveries dawns in you, in its light is revealed the greatest secret on earth: Life is its movement into you; and this movement of Life takes place within you. In other words, your real life is an inner journey.
As you begin to align yourself with Life's secret direction, your experiences in it, and of yourself, are transformed. Slowly, but surely, a whole -- and new -- kind of pleasure permeates what used to be even your most mundane moments. Boredom with life simply ceases to exist for you. You no longer worry about what you're supposed to be doing with your life because, at last, you begin to realize that Life already has plans just for you!
Believe me, there is no greater strength than knowing that everything life brings to you is for you as well. And as this wondrous fact grows clear to you, old enemies either vanish or they're transformed into your allies. Precious energies once wasted in futile self-defense are turned into new powers for further self-exploration. But this is really just the beginning.
By learning to cooperate with what Life wants for you -- which is to help you realize the new you that you've been seeking all along -- your victory over the intimate enemy is assured. The new you that emerges from the ground of this struggle within yourself is as different as the mighty open-limb oak is from its tightly shelled acorn seed. I know this to be true, and so will you.

How to Improve Your Days by Improving Your Nights

Not a Problem

When it comes to falling asleep, I'm a lucky man. Within minutes of turning off the lights, I'm out like a light myself (even though I often go to sleep before 9pm). But if you're struggling to get a good night's rest, today's guest author, Scott Whitlock, an ETR-Mastermind attendee, gives you great advice on how you can sleep better - and have more daytime energy because of it.

Craig Ballantyne

Getting up earlier is the answer to almost any problem in life - because it gives you more time, and often your best energy, to devote to the BIG problems in life. Just do it.

By Scott Whitlock

I remember it like it was yesterday. There I was, tossing and turning, occasionally squinting at the alarm clock and struggling to shut off my mind. By the next morning, I'd hardly slept at all. This isn't normal for me. Typically I'm out of bed while my alarm is still sleeping and shutting it off before it has a chance to do its job. That one important morning, however, it beat me, and I woke up to the shrill alarm. I remember switching it off and laying there for several minutes, groggier than usual.

Before I stood up, it hit me. My mind was racing, thinking of all that would unfold that day. For the past ten years, I had been building a business around my passion for the outdoors. Today was the big day that I would pass it on to a larger company.

Everything was set after months of exhaustive negotiation with the buyers and their (too detailed) attorneys. It was a complex deal, but it looked like everything was finally going to fall into place. The arrangement was great for everyone involved, even the end users-the outdoors enthusiasts who would benefit from the larger company's better distribution.

I had a two and a half hour drive to Tulsa before the closing, which was set for 10:00 a.m. For such a climactic day, it was a pretty relaxed schedule. After a workout, shower, and a good luck kiss from wife, I set off with a (much needed) coffee for the road.

On the way, I drove with the radio off, and my mind searched through all the previous deliberations and concerns of the buyers and their attorneys. I had contemplated and re-contemplated every possible scenario looking for answers to any questions that might pop up. I knew that I was ready.

As I neared the familiar cityscape of Tulsa, my excitement grew, but suddenly I began to feel drained, as if I was coming down with a cold. The timing was terrible, but I had no choice but to tough it out in the meetings, even though I did so without much energy or focus.

Then I realized the problem. I was feeling the effects of a restless night's sleep. All the thinking and worrying was taking its toll on me, mentally and physically. On what could be the biggest day of my career, I wasn't on my game at all!

We've all been there, and we all know the effects of a sleepless night. Simply getting through the next day can be miserable, and you're guaranteed to be less productive. At worst, a lack of sleep can cause us to fall short of work and personal expectations. Without rest, we can't be the same leaders, parents, spouses, and friends.

Before modern medicine, doctors dismissed the problems of those who couldn't sleep. Today, however, if a person tells their physician they often feel uncommonly tired, doctors are quick to test for sleep disorders. Waking up tired may sound like no more than an annoyance, but it can be a sign of more serious, even potentially fatal, disorders.

The consequences of restless sleep aren't just in your head. A lack of sleep has been proven to lead to higher rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression. While you should be aware of the potential for these long term problems, you will certainly feel the short term side-effects when you wake up after a night of poor sleep. These short term effects include aching muscles, headaches, irritability, ADD/ADHD symptoms, memory loss and the general sense of not being up to par. After a sleepless night, the quality of your work will suffer, especially when it comes to problem solving, resourcefulness and creativity.

While some of your sleep issues may come from acute stress, as mine did from the sale of my business, a chronic inability to sleep may have more serious-and urgent-origins. Fortunately, there are solutions.

With over thirty years of experience in the medical supply industry, I've been around for a lot of innovation. One of the most interesting and rapidly growing subsections of the medical industry involves a powerful sleep aid, the CPAP machine (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure).

If you're unfamiliar, the CPAP machine is a small air compressor connected to tubing which channels air through a mask worn while sleeping. The principle behind the technology is to open airways by forcing air through them and into the lungs.

If you have problems with restricted airways (due to genetics or being overweight), you may want to look into a CPAP machine. Heavy snoring may be a sign of obstructed airways. The vibrations of snoring cause swelling of the airways, which worsens the snoring; it can turn into a destructive, self-perpetuating cycle. If you don't take measures against this effect, it may eventually cause apnea, when breathing actually stops for short periods.

However, most of us miss sleep or otherwise sleep poorly due to the stress of everyday life. We find ourselves contemplating all of the things we failed to accomplish that day, worrying about office politics or family obligations, stressing about the future. Instead, we should be anticipating the comfort of our cozy beds and the total relaxation and rejuvenation which accompanies a good night's sleep.

When your mind's racing and you can't sleep, what's happening-assuming you didn't just down a 5-hour Energy drink-is hormonal response to anxiety. Stress causes our bodies to release small doses of the hormones cortisol and adrenalin that are primitive fight or flight aids.

While your body thinks it's doing you a favor by releasing hormones to keep you up (because, for primitive men, sleeping at the wrong time meant you might get eaten by a lion), your lack of sleep makes you even more anxious. Your thoughts race faster and faster as you think about how little sleep you'll get. With every minute, you get more stressed-and more awake. How can you break this cycle and get some much needed sleep?

There are thousands of books, medications and products on the market to help remedy sleeplessness. However, very few cut to the core of the problem's source.

Despite what the advertisers on late night TV would have you believe, the problem is not that we have a sleeping pill deficiency. Rather, the real problem is our overactive minds, and their pursuit to solve problems which don't even exist yet. If we don't consciously guide our minds, they frequently come up with their own agenda of minor issues to stress over. And they have no problem working overtime to make sure this gets done.

When I was laying in bed the night before my sale, irrelevant problems popped into my mind. I worried about each minute detail of the sale. What would I do if they want to change the contract? What do I do if the whole deal falls through? Does my car have enough gas to get to Tulsa?

The cause of much of our sleeplessness-including my sleeplessness years ago-is our own thoughts. Knowing that, we can treat the source. The secret to falling asleep quickly and staying asleep is calming your mind. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and smile. Concentrate lightly on the simple pleasures in life. Slowly, let your thoughts go and begin to focus more and more on your breath. As you inhale and exhale, focus your mind on the sound, feeling, and experience of your own breath. Feel the calmness come rushing into your mind.

Even if you do have a legitimate problem worthy of concern, you know, logically, that you're better off getting a good night's sleep. That way, you can attack the problem tomorrow from a resourceful, creative mindset instead of an exhausted one.

When you can relax and sleep easier, you will be able to wake up earlier and make your day more productive. You'll rise each morning with vigor and purpose. Soon, you'll see the benefits of peaceful sleep in all corners of your life. Your productivity at work will improve and so will your relationships with family, friends, and your spouse.

The next time you're squinting at your alarm clock in the middle of the night, tossing and turning, just remember one thing: clear your mind. Let calmness replace your worried thoughts, and you'll wake up refreshed and ready. 

The Delayed Secret to Lifetime Success

When I was just six years old I stumbled across this success principle in a surprising location, the pews of First St. John's Lutheran church. However, it had nothing to do with the scriptures and everything to do with a mischievous young boy protecting his candy stash from his sister. Let me explain in today's success essay.

Craig Ballantyne

"Whatever you reinforce or reward, you get more of." - Kekich Credo #15

The Power of Delay
By Craig Ballantyne

As a child, I spent every Sunday morning at First St. John's Lutheran Church. Each week, our family would go through the same routine. It started with a bath, followed by my mom painfully combing the 'tangles' out of my naturally curly hair. She'd then dress me in my Sunday best, and my uncle would pick me up at 9am sharp for pre-church Sunday School that was held in the church basement.

At 11am, my sister and I would head upstairs and join my mother in the third pew from the back on the left hand-side. That's where we sat every Sunday morning for over two decades. As I grew older, I developed the discipline to sit through the hour-long service without misbehaving. However, as a six-year old boy anxious to get home to his baseball bats and hockey sticks, getting me to sit still for sixty minutes (and seventy-five minutes during the once per month communion Sunday service) was a difficult task.

My mother's solution to this problem was candy. It's a pretty good answer to any six-year-old's problems, I imagine. After about twenty minutes of the service, when ennui began to set in for my sister and I, she brought out rolls of sweet tarts for each of us.

And here's where I learned a valuable habit that has helped me succeed in life.

I made it my mission every Sunday morning to hold out longer than my sister before eating the candy. Some weeks I'd hide my candy, pretending I'd eaten it, and then, when I knew my sister was done with hers, I'd produce my sweet tarts from my pocket and take great pleasure in eating the tiny candy pieces in front of her. On other occasions, it would be a straight-up battle of wills as we both played with our candy in an attempt to see who could go the longest without eating it.

What I discovered on those Sunday mornings was the power of delayed gratification. As a young boy in church, I used this skill to "win" at the candy game with my sister. As a teenager, I put this power to use by forcing myself to go to my after-school job, then to the gym to lift weights, and then home to do homework, all before going out with my friends.

In my college years - excluding my freshman year where I let the habit slide - I used delayed gratification to put schoolwork first over late night partying. This way, I'd end up on the Dean's Honour List three years in a row - and eventually win a scholarship that paid for my time in graduate school. I still remember the Friday nights spent in the lab finishing up my research projects until 10pm before finally rushing out to meet my friends at a house party.

The power of delayed gratification is, in fact, a research-proven phenomenon. There's a famous study that was performed at Stanford University, the kind you'd read about in a Malcolm Gladwell-esque business book, known as the "Stanford Marshmallow Experiment".

In the study, researchers tracked a group of four-year-old children, each of whom was given a marshmallow and instructed to wait twenty minutes before eating it. The children were then monitored for their developmental progress into adolescence. The scientists, led by Professor Walter Mischel, discovered that the children that were better able to wait to eat the marshmallow-delaying gratification-were generally more dependable and achieved greater scores in their Scholastic Aptitude Tests.

Substitute a church pew for a Stanford University research lab and sweet tarts for marshmallows, and you can see the personal connection I have with this research.

But I don't believe that the ability to delay gratification is something that you must be born with. Instead, it's a powerful habit you can build. However, it seems that most people (from the Boomer Generation to the much-maligned Millennial Generation) have missed this lesson. Instead, too many people spend their paychecks when they get them - or even before. As a result, they get deep into debt. They want it all. And they want it now. But that's not how it works if you want to be successful.

Work comes first. Then reward. It's not the other way around.

No matter where you've stood in the past on this success equation, you can change. Just like we can all learn to get up earlier, make exercise a daily habit, or improve our diet, you too can build the habit of delayed gratification. The rockstar Sting even suggests we can learn delayed gratification for the benefit of tantric sex, but that's another article for another day, I suppose.

Here's an easy place for you to start working on developing your power of delayed gratification. It's your email inbox. You and I will surely both agree that if you can avoid getting sucked into your email each morning that you'll be able to get more done each day. So do it. Just delay it. Wait one more minute each day before opening your inbox and checking that first email.

I learned to do this and started my progression back in the summer of 2007. Up until that point, I was an email "first thing in the morning" person. I rolled out of bed and practically right into the chair at my computer (it helped that I was living in a 400 square foot bachelor apartment at the time). Some days, I didn't even have to roll out of bed. I was able to check my email on my Blackberry while my head was still on the pillow.

Over time I worked to decrease my dependency on morning messages. First, I stopped all email from being sent to my inappropriately named "smart phone" (as it wasn't making me any smarter at all). Next, I began the habit of walking the dog and then writing for just fifteen minutes before checking my email. Slowly the fifteen minutes blossomed into thirty, expanded into sixty, and has grown into a magic five hours of productive time before I finally check my email in the morning.

If I can do it, you can do it too, I promise.

Struggles will come first. But you must look at the work and the struggles as blessings. Practice (i.e. training) is the only way you can build up your delayed gratification muscle and with it the benefits you'll get in many areas of your life.

Like running hills or squatting weights, it's going to be hard at first, but you will come to appreciate your new power of habit. The rewards are well worth it.

Mastery takes time. But mastery is worth the effort.

Take action. Struggle. Fight. Flex. And work.

You can do it. You will do it. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Flow is one of the great Laws of Life.

Have you ever noted how the great river begins; It starts as a little stream high up in the mountains.  This little stream just runs over the boulders or the fallen tree.  It doesn’t stop and wait for its energy to build up so it can push the obstacle out of its path.
The stream is not interested so much in these obstacles as it is about creating a path or getting to where its current pulls it.  You and I can use this to understand how we can be non-resistant.  Flow is one of the great Laws of Life.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Create our own “perfect day.”

God is saying to you, “I lovingly and gently invite you to join me in creating a perfect day.”
Now as you read these words, imagine that your day begins right now!  From this moment forward, feel how it feels to be in a co-creative process with the One who gives you life.  It is your magnificent opportunity and it is your right to create a “perfect day.” 
Everything that happens has a miracle inside of it.  Every word that is spoken has a gift for you.  Everything has a gift of aliveness and a message that says, “Right where you are, God is.”
So on this day, let us create our own “perfect day.”
To Your Perfect Day

Activate the law of receiving by giving.

How you handle the money you have can be a sacred practice.  You can amplify your relationship with the flow of funds as you participate with more awareness in earning, spending and giving.  Be part of the flow.
Appreciate, value, and put your resources toward that which is in harmony with the image you want to create. We can hold our mind and hold our thinking in alignment with the Universal Law.  We activate the law of receiving by giving.
Be grateful for what you have.  When you pay your bills, be sure to remember and appreciate having had that phone work all month and having the water flow freely.
When we are in a free flow of growth, then we begin to notice that we are in harmony with our image of what’s possible.  In this sacred practice of financial flow, we will find that our answers are already available and at hand.
Be Part of the Flow,