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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Stop Adding Mass to Your Misery

Key Lesson: Thinking about whatever it is that you wish wasn't happening serves only to add mass to your misery.

The #1 Secret to Being Relaxed, Carefree, and In Command

There is a hidden part of you that knows, without thinking about it, how to always be perfectly relaxed, carefree, and in command. This higher intellectual and emotional intelligence is to your present thoughts and feelings as is the mighty oak to its own spreading branches. Once you come into contact with its perfect strength and power, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Great masters of the past have called this part of us by different names - none any better than the rest - but the one that seems most complete is...your Original Fearless Self.
The #1 secret to being relaxed, carefree, and in command is to awaken this supreme indwelling Self - to be in conscious contact with this celestial part of you that is untouched and untroubled by any event life brings your way. You can think of your Original Fearless Self as the secret source behind all that you respect and admire, the water that makes possible the beautiful flowers of goodness, kindness, love, truth, and joy.
Following are six simple exercises to help you begin to shed the barriers that stand between you and this special part of yourself so that you can begin to release and realize its extraordinary power in your life.
1. Stop looking for other people's approval to determine your own self worth.
2. Stop feeling responsible for the happiness or unhappiness of others.
3. Stop thinking you can change what happened yesterday by reliving it today.
4. Stop spending time with people who have agreed to live with negative states.
5. Stop believing you can only be as successful as you are wiling to push yourself through life.
6. Stop explaining or justifying your actions to yourself or others.

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