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Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Small Voice called Wisdom!!!

Inside every single one of us is a still, small voice of wisdom.  It's small because sometimes the voices of the world seem so loud.  The still voice is always present, and if we pay attention, we can hear it.
This still, small voice is always giving us direction.  It is absolutely the perfect signaling device for our aliveness, our health, our well being, and our ability to live life fully.
Most of us have been trained to ignore that little voice. We’ve been taught to use our logic.  What we know is that the more we pay attention to that still, wise voice, the louder it gets, the more frequently we can hear it, and the better and easier our lives become.
Today is an opportunity for us to simply choose to pay attention.  "What is that quiet voice in me saying to me?" Practice listening closely to the voice of the still, small wisdom within you.
Just Listen

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