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Thursday, January 10, 2013

To your Growth

I heard Dr. John Demartini say that support plus challenge equals the best formula for growth.
Consider your life --where the challenge is and what the support is.  Know that life takes care of the challenge and it's up to you to take care of the support.  This doesn't mean that life isn't providing the support.  It does mean it's up to us to look for, appreciate, and then draw to us the kind of support that will help us.
You must find support to not only meet, but surmount the challenge; That's how we grow.  Sometimes support is found by amplifying the support you give others, or by the way you appreciate the support that is in your environment right now.
Support plus challenge equals the best formula for growth. All of life is inviting you and me this day to grow, grow, grow.
To Your Challenge, Support and Growth,

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