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Monday, June 13, 2011

To Your Viewing Pleasure

One of the greatest ways we learn is through story.
Cinema is one of the most impactful ways to tell a story.  Have you ever been inspired to make a change from an empowering film you saw?

I know I have.

My friends at the Spiritual Cinema Circle have created a wonderful way to bring you high-vibration films that have been handpicked for their thought-provoking and uplifting content.
Each month you will receive a new DVD with four inspirational movies that are a mixture of features, shorts and documentaries full of quality spiritual content.

It's like a spiritual version of Netflix...

...only better, because you not only are these movies delivered right to your door, but you don't have to send them back--you get to keep them!

They have a wonderful free-trial, and this month there are four incredible films that I know you are going to love.

To check it out, and watch this great movie trailer click here:
Watch Trailer
To Your Viewing Pleasure,

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