If you need more money then perhaps you should begin by taking personal responsibility for your financial future. Then, develop one or two financially valuable skills. And you can build on that by acquiring marketing and selling skills. These skills will make you an infinitely more valuable employee, and they will also form a solid base on which to build your own second or third stream of income.
You may need to overcome inertia. If you've been doing the same work and making the same money for years there is a good chance you are burned out and not inclined to dig in and move your financial life forward.
Recognize inertia as your enemy. It is the reason you just "can't find the time to start something new." It's also the reason why, having started in the right direction, you get waylaid by personal or social obligations. Breaking through inertia takes a great and sustained burst of energy. But once you break through, once you really get beyond that blame-others stage, then progress becomes increasingly easier every working day.
Inertia is the problem and there is only one way to overcome it. That way is action.
And here is where the circle connects: Action is the key, but action won't happen until you decide that you - and no one else - are responsible for your success. Get off to a good start today by retelling yourself the following truths:
"My parents owe me nothing."
"My children owe me nothing."
"My friends owe me nothing."
"The world owes me nothing."
If you are already beyond that then the next step is to take some definite action. Some significant positive step that will get you going, even if you are not now sure exactly where you want to go.
You may need to overcome inertia. If you've been doing the same work and making the same money for years there is a good chance you are burned out and not inclined to dig in and move your financial life forward.
Recognize inertia as your enemy. It is the reason you just "can't find the time to start something new." It's also the reason why, having started in the right direction, you get waylaid by personal or social obligations. Breaking through inertia takes a great and sustained burst of energy. But once you break through, once you really get beyond that blame-others stage, then progress becomes increasingly easier every working day.
Inertia is the problem and there is only one way to overcome it. That way is action.
And here is where the circle connects: Action is the key, but action won't happen until you decide that you - and no one else - are responsible for your success. Get off to a good start today by retelling yourself the following truths:
"My parents owe me nothing."
"My children owe me nothing."
"My friends owe me nothing."
"The world owes me nothing."
If you are already beyond that then the next step is to take some definite action. Some significant positive step that will get you going, even if you are not now sure exactly where you want to go.
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