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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Watering the Seeds You Wish to Sprout

How would you feel if you had five hundred and twenty-five thousand and change you could spend any way you choose?
The truth is that every one of us, even the most successful people you know, have exactly the same amount of time:  Five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes.  If you live twelve more months, you are going to have 525,000 minutes to invest.
Many of us have been trained to invest a great amount of that commodity in rehearsing our past, cursing a circumstance, nursing a problem, or fueling resentment.  If you are not careful you will spend your time doing just that – and creating more of the same!
The Law of the mind is analogous to the Law of the garden.  The ideas that you hold in mind reproduce after their kind.  Thought seeds are just like physical seeds. Whatever you water with your attention will grow.
Today, invest your minutes in thoughts and activities that lead to the life you want to live, rather than a life you want to avoid.  Choose your thoughts consciously, knowing they will replicate.
To Watering the Seeds You Wish to Sprout

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