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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Six Passions Prophecy Will Perpetuate in Your Life:


  1. Prophecy will induce a passion for time
    Your Prophecy will cause you to be an early riser, full of pursuit to bring your word to past in a timely manner. There is something magical in rising early, and seeking God.
  2. Prophecy will induce a passion for information
    When you hear the word, you become aware. The more you become aware the more you want to become aware of. Your prophecy will induce a passion for knowledge in those areas that God has spoken into your life.
  3. Prophecy will induce a passion to simplify
    Once you know your plan of action through your prophecy, you will want to simplify everything in your work and life. You will want to start eliminating the unnecessary. Everything that has nothing to do with your prophecy and purpose should be eliminated. They shouldn't occupy any space in your daily life, because they are just a waste of time and energy.
  4. Prophecy will induce a passion for patience
    You can never embrace a life of passion in the middle if a busy, stressful, and chaotic environment. Your prophecy will teach you how to give birth to in the quiet hour. You will have to be patient and hear His voice. esus meditated and consulted His Father for wisdom and strength. Who are you consulting?
  5. Prophecy will induce a passion to network
    When the Lord has a plan for your life, He will often surround you with passionate people. You'll find the good advice, the necessary push, and the continuous encouragement in brand new connections that God will place in your experience. Jesus had twelve prolific disciples. Shouldn't you be around a prolific set of people?
  6. Prophecy will induce a passion for gratitude
    When your word begins to come to past, you will undoubtedly recognize the power of prophecy and you will become grateful for what you have and at the same time for the better that God has provided. Rest assured that when you're clear about your purpose in life, you'll recognize better opportunities much easier.

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