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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Principle to Finish Everything You Start

My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. (John 4:34)
Do you have a habit of starting projects and not finishing them? Take a closer look and discover it might be the new business you want to start but you're halfway working through the business plan. It might be the album which you want to launch but you're still composing the songs. It might be the book which you want to finish writing but you're still stuck in the early chapters. If you have been taking action and working on your goals, that's a big achievement and you should be proud of yourself! Getting started is your first step to realizing your goals. Notice that most people get stuck in the thinking but not doing phase, and that's not good because your goals won't magically pop up one day from not taking action.
What is stopping you from trusting God? The power of prophecy will help you achieve the life you want when you follow the Prophet's instructions. Read and discover these powerful principles to increase you alongside the prophetic word, then follow my simple instructions afterwards...
Here are Three Powerful Principles to Finishing Everything You Start:
  1. Don't waste time and money. If you are a crafter who purchases the materials for the projects that are left there uncompleted, you could invest considerable monies that just sit there and rot.
  2. Take it to the limit. Let yourself look mentally where continuing in this incomplete habit will end up. Break it into small chunks. A wee bit each day will whittle down the pile and not overwhelm. Promise yourself a gift. This will help provide the motivation to begin and to persevere. Ask a friend to help.
  3. Successful people are doers, accomplishers, finishers. They don't always "feel like it," but they always come back to it and get things done - or, they might pay someone else to do what needs doing. Ask yourself what steps you need to take to create a happy, successful ending for yourself. Here's my salute to you for Being the Change and to finish what you start.

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