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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Breathe in an attitude of adventure

Mix It UP
Good Morning Great Day:

"Being willing to take risks will always create an energy that encourages you to discover more about who you really are."
We are all creatures of habit. Some are good and empowering while others keep us stuck in the staus quo and thus in a place where medicrity becomes okay. Well, it's not! It's breakout time for you. It's time to step up your game!.

One of the ways I get to experience new things and new ways of creating what I want in life is to Mix It UP. I will always look for an out of the box idea or solution. When I find my self stuck in the same old way of thinking I will try something new and not worry about mistakes or so called failure. The only way I learn is if I  make mistakes. It's jus part of life. I would encourage you to embrace this way of looking at life too. Let go of the fear of not looking good. You already look good...Period!

YOU have so much to offer and share. YOU have an amazing gift and talent even if you haven't been able to recognize it. I assure you it's in you right now. Give yourself permission to break free and step out of the old way of thinking so you can create a new journey of possibility. When you do you will inspire others by your confidence, determination and resolve. And you might surprise yourself and finally get to see just how extraordinary you are. Mix It UP you will absolutely like the new recipe for success you will create in your life.

Today's Meditative Thought…
Medicrity is for wimps

Today's Affirmation…
I AM poised for greatness
I see excellence in all I do
My mind is alive with new thoughts of possibility
I AM  confident and optimistic
Today I will spread inspiration every where I go
I AM on fire with passion for my highest purpose

Today's Intention…
In every choice I make today the action I take will be in perfect alignment with the highest potential of my greatest good.

It's YOUR day, Make it a GREAT ONE

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